Open Source
The entire source for Sandcat is now available on GitHub. Feel free to fork it, examine it, contribute code, send suggestions, report or fix issues.
Sandcat is made possible by open source development projects worldwide. Open source software used in Sandcat include:
- libcef, based on Chromium, is the engine at the heart of the Sandcat Browser. Sandcat uses the DCEF3 (Chromium Embedded Framework) component by Henri Gourvest. CEF is a project founded by Marshall Greenblatt and today maintained with the help of many contributors.
- Lua - Developed by a small team at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Lua is the core language used to develop Sandcat extensions as well as portions of the browser itself.
- TIScript is an extended version of ECMAScript (JavaScript 1.x) developed by Terra Informatica Software and Andrew Fedoniouk, the developers of Sciter. It is used by Sandcat for some of its user interface operations.
- Sciter is the engine currently used by Sandcat for rendering its user interface.
- CodeRay (written by Kornelius Kalnbach), is a Ruby library used for syntax highlighting
Sandcat icons are derived from:
- Fugue Icons (by Yusuke Kamiyamane)
- FatCow Icons (by FatCow)
- The custom Lua icon is the work of Yarin Kaul. There is a 96x96 slightly modified version of it too that we made, which you can find here. Please ask his permission before using it elsewhere.
Pen-Test Tools Extension Pack
Open source software used in the Pen-Test Tools extension pack include:
- PHP - Used for scripted operations
- JavaScript encoders (by Yosuke HASEGAWA)
- Cookies Viewer and Cache Viewer utilities (by Nir Sofer), included with his permission.
- OpenSSL libraries.