From What's New in Syhunt 6.9.9, the Hybrid Vulnerability Scanner


What's New in Syhunt 6.9.9

November 8, 2021

Syhunt Community and Hybrid 6.9.9 adds dark web monitoring and exposure testing

We're excited to release the 6.9.9 version of Syhunt Hybrid and Community today, which adds the first version of Syhunt's dark web exposure testing tool, called Syhunt IcyDark. After establishing the Icy Division for monitoring the dark web in the beginning of 2021, Syhunt IcyDark is our latest response to a rapidly evolving threat landscape and constant data breaches. Designed to help companies, organizations, government agencies and military units not only understand, but map and respond to data leaks that affect them in a more effective way, Syhunt IcyDark currently covers leaks related to over 58 million Internet domains from all over the globe.

In addition to identifying leak details through its Dark Web Exposure Testing (DWET), the full-featured Syhunt IcyDark solution allows organizations to get the privacy and security score of their Internet domains based on their track record, a unique feature called IcyScore. Syhunt IcyDark is also a dark web monitoring solution that can optionally run entirely on-premise through an unique offline mode, allowing the tool to be adopted by government agencies and military units that face restrictions in adopting cloud-based solutions.


The Syhunt IcyDark software and infrastructure uses metadatabases generated by the in-house developed data leak processing bot Presta and fueled by constant human-based data leak collection and intelligence. The metadatabases cover various types of leaks and breaches, including credential exposures, file exposures, past security incidents, ransomware group leaks, and more. The digital brain behind the Icy's daily (and nightly) operations, Presta is able to analyze massive quantities of data leaks collected from the surface, deep and dark web, and uses AI (artificial intelligence) to understand leaks. Learn more

Improvements and Changes

We hope you enjoy the new release!

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