From Presta



Presta is Syhunt's first digital worker. A specialized AI created by Syhunt to automate and accelerate the analysis of surface, deep and dark web data leaks collected by Syhunt's Icy Division. Presta is able to analyze over 10.000 leaks in just 8 hours, using optical character recognition, deep learning components and pattern-based analysis and can revise in seconds a previous analysis based on new pattern knowledge. Presta is the digital brain behind the new Syhunt Icy division.

Created for internal Icy Division use, Presta obeys a simple command: presta go. With this command, Presta is able to analyze hundreds or thousands of leaks collected by Syhunt, producing key metadata: what and how much has been leaked by whom, when and where.

While the Presta bot is the first of our software that make use of artificial intelligence components, to map and understand leaks, Presta is not the first bot that we created - Syhunt Hybrid is an advanced bot already used daily by our customers to automate their DAST, SAST and MAST operations and able to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses through source code analysis. Now the Presta bot has been created to enable not only the identification and analysis of application vulnerabilities with Syhunt Hybrid, but also data leaks.

Presta's work in numbers

During the first months of operation, Presta processed:

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Page last modified on June 15, 2023, at 03:01 PM