From What's New in Syhunt 6.9.3, the Hybrid Vulnerability Scanner


What's New in Syhunt 6.9.3

November 3, 2020

Syhunt Hybrid and Community 6.9.3 extends its TypeScript analysis, accelerates SAST and more

In August we announced 3x faster incremental scans. Now we are proud to introduce version 6.9.3 of Syhunt, which extends static analysis of TypeScript code, adds 5x faster source code scans and faster analysis of JavaScript code, includes Huntpad 2.0, as well as introduces a large number of enhancements that translate to improved DAST and SAST accuracy and performance. Version 6.9.3's focus is once again JavaScript and the MEAN stack - last year Syhunt added a large number of vulnerability checks tailored for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular (v2 and higher), AngularJS, Node.js, Koa.js and jQuery and initial code support for TypeScript. Now we took it to the next level.

Whether your TypeScript code transpiles to client-side browser or server-side JavaScript, Syhunt 6.9.3 is now equipped to perform its security analysis through its SAST capabilities and uncover vulnerabilities, weaknesses and quality issues before the code is compiled to JavaScript.

New Code Checks & Improvements

Huntpad 2.0 - The Bug Hunter's Notepad

Two years after the first release of Syhunt Huntpad, we're excited to release Huntpad 2.0 x64 with various new additions and improvements, including a secure random password generator and the out-of-the-box ability to execute scripts in 12 different programming languages, including various JavaScript engines and TypeScript. Why so many languages? Every code reviewer, bug hunter and penetration tester knows that it is very useful to have a way of quickly testing small pieces of code and scripts before trying on a real target environment.

Other Improvements and Changes

We hope you enjoy the new release!

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Page last modified on November 03, 2020, at 06:30 PM