From What's New in Syhunt 6.8.5, the Hybrid Vulnerability Scanner


What's New in Syhunt 6.8.5

June 10, 2020

Syhunt Hybrid 6.8.5 released, adds GitLab support and extends issues integration

We're happy to release Syhunt Hybrid version 6.8.5. The new release brings extended issue tracker integration with support for GitLab issues, custom labels and fields in any tracker, personal access token support, improved checks for weak or missing HTTP security headers and bug fixes.

Issue Tracker Integration Improvements

Syhunt 6.8.5 extends the issue tracker integration options , making it even easier to configure trackers and submit details about vulnerabilities that have been identified during a scan to projects from within the Syhunt application. This includes GitHub, GitLab and JIRA projects.

Improved Header Checks and Bug Fixes

The newly added checks for weak or missing security headers got its first revision which addressed two specific false positive cases:

In addition to the false positive cases above, the following bugs were addressed in Syhunt Dynamic: a TLS 1.2 handshake issue, a case of http-equiv related redirect handling issue and a bug in experimental IDS Evasion feature (disabled by default) that when the option was enabled, the request version would be set incorrectly.

We hope you enjoy the new release!

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Page last modified on June 10, 2020, at 10:51 PM