Integrating with Third-Party Schedulers

The information in this document applies to version 6.7 of Syhunt Hybrid.

Syhunt can be easily started from within third-party task schedulers, such as xStarter and System Scheduler, CI tools like Jenkins, and launchers.

Before Starting

Firstly, create a disabled scheduled scan that will be used to generate the command-line parameters that will be needed to start the scan.

  1. Launch the Syhunt Hybrid application.
  2. Click the Scheduled Scans icon in the launcher toolbar. The Scheduled Scans screen will open.
  3. Click the Add Scheduled Scan icon in the Scheduled Scans screen toolbar.
  4. Enter a reference name for the new scheduled scan (like MyScan) and hit OK. A preferences dialog window will open.
  5. Uncheck Enable Scheduled Scan.
  6. Enter the scan target details and select the desired scan method and options.
  7. Go the Report tab and select the desired options. Enter a filename in the Report Filename field (eg C:\Reports\demo.pdf) if you want to send it over email or perform some other similar task later. Click the OK button when you're done.
  8. Finally, right-click the scheduled scan and click the CLI Parameters -> Copy Filename & Parameters menu option. Paste it to a temporary location like Notepad.

Method 1: Using xStarter

This is our favorite scheduler - it can be configured to run as a NT Service and allows the execution of multiple actions before or after a scan operation, such as sending email notifications and much more.

  1. Download xStarter from and install it using its default options.
  2. Launch the xStarter application.
  3. Create a New task, enter the desired schedule settings using the Schedule and info tab
  4. Go to the Actions tab and add a new action of type Processes -> Run Process
  5. Copy and paste the generated filename to the Filename edit in the xStarter Action Params dialog.
  6. Copy and paste the generated parameters to the Parameters edit in the xStarter Action Params dialog
  7. Change Window to Hidden and check the Console process option.
  8. Click the OK button.
  9. At this point, you can add additional actions after or before the scan operation if you prefer, such as Internet -> Mail -> SendMail. For more details, see below.
  10. Click the Apply button when you're done.

Sending Reports Via Email

  1. Add a new action of type Internet -> Mail -> SendMail
  2. Enter the sender email address in the Address field (eg:
  3. Enter the SMTP host in the Mail host field (eg: Configure the appropriate port if necessary.
  4. Enter the email account in the Username and Password fields.
  5. Enter the email that will receive the report in the To field. Also enter the appropriate Subject and Message and any desired additional settings using the Additional tab.
  6. Enter in the Attach file(s) area the location where the scan report will be saved (eg: C:\Reports\demo.pdf). The filename must be identical to the one you entered in the Report Filename field when you generated the command line using the Syhunt Hybrid application.

Method 2: Using System Scheduler Free Version

  1. Download the free version of the System Scheduler from
  2. Launch the System Scheduler application.
  3. Create a New Event of type Run Application with a desired title
  4. Copy and paste the generated filename to the Application edit in the System Scheduler - Event dialog
  5. Copy and paste the generated parameters to the Parameters edit in the System Scheduler - Event dialog
  6. Change State to Hidden.
  7. Go to the Schedule tab, select the desired schedule type and enter the desired schedule settings
  8. Click the Save button and it's done.

Method 3: Using Jenkins

Firstly, read our guide on how to integrate Syhunt into Jenkins and execute Syhunt from within a Jenkins Pipeline script.

  1. From the Jenkins Dashboard, open the desired pipeline item.
  2. Click Configure from the sidebar links
  3. Go to the Build Triggers tab, check the "Build periodically" option and enter the appropriate schedule
  4. Click the Save button to update the pipeline configuration

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