Syhunt Sandcat: Extension Development
The information in this document applies to version 6.8 of Syhunt Hybrid.
Table of Contents
Introduction |
Security - Security considerations when developing Sandcat UI extensions |
App Library - Application and window functions |
Browser Library - Core browser functions |
Catarinka Library - Several useful functions and classes |
Console Library - Sandcat Console functions |
Prefs Library - Sandcat Preferences functions |
ExtensionPack Object - Reads Sandcat Extension (.scx) pack files |
OSR Object - Creates Off-Screen Chromium Renderer processes |
Tab Object - Methods and properties of a browser tab |
Task Object - Available from within an isolated process of a Sandcat Task |
UI Manipulation - Runtime UI manipulation example |
UI Zones - List of Sandcat user interface zones and its methods |
UI Element Object - Methods and properties of a Sandcat user interface element |
TIScript Basics |
The Sandcat Extension System
Syhunt Sandcat extensions are developed using a combination of HTML, CSS and Lua script. Sandcat Extensions, Tasks and Console commands can execute Lua code with all its standard functions, including file IO support. TIScript (a programming language derived from JavaScript) can also be used to extend and manipulate the Sandcat user interface.
Sandcat Extensions are deployed as ZIP files (renamed .scx) under [SandcatDir]\Packs\Extensions\
Extension Manifest
During startup Sandcat will check all extensions for a Manifest.json file contained within the extension's ZIP package. The following is an example of a manifest file:
"name": "Hello World Extension",
"version": "1.0",
"author": "Me",
"script": {
"filename": "hello.lua",
"init": "Hello:register()",
Manifest Keys
- **name***: The extension name
- **version***: The extension version. If 'file:[dllfilename]' is used as version, the browser will read the version from the supplied DLL file.
- description: The extension description
- **script***: The Lua code
- filename: The main Lua script file contained within the extension's ZIP package. This script will be loaded and executed during the browser startup
- init: Can contain a Lua script to be executed during the browser startup. If script.filename has been provided, executes after the script file has been loaded.
- shutdown: A Lua script to be executed during the browser shutdown
(*) = required keys
HelloWorld Example
How to make a simple hello world extension:
- Create a folder somewhere on your system to contain your extension's files.
- Inside the folder, create Manifest.json with the following content:
"name": "Hello World Extension",
"version": "1.0",
"author": "Me",
"script": {
"filename": "hello.lua",
"init": "Hello:register()",
- Create a Lua script called hello.lua with the following content:
Hello = {}
function Hello:showmsg()
app.showmessage('Hello World!')
function Hello:register() -- will be called during startup
local html = [[
style="foreground-image: url(Hello.scx#world.png);"
- Place icon file in the same folder
- Zip the files and change the extension to .scx. The zip file can be called Hello.scx.
- Copy the Hello.scx file to the Packs\Extensions folder, which is located in the root of the Sandcat Browser folder.
- Launch the Sandcat Browser. Now in the navigation bar, you should see the globe icon. Now try clicking on it.
More Examples
Security considerations when developing extensions
Sandcat Extensions, built using HTML and Lua, can execute Lua code with file IO support. For this reason, you should not load a string as part of the HTML of an extension user interface without filtering or validating the content before.
This applies to the following functions:
- app.showdialogx()
- app.showmessagex()
- browser.loadpagex()
- browser.newtabx()
- tab:loadx()
- [anyuizone]:loadx()
Never use the extension user interface for regular browsing
You can use http for displaying media files, such as images, but do not try to load web sites using supported protocols. You will be loading an entirely new user interface, which as mentioned before has desktop application privileges.
If you need to load a web page, use the function tab:gotourl(), which will load the web page using the standard, safe for browsing Chromium navigator.
Security Bug Reporting
Security bugs should be reported directly to Low risk security bugs can be reported by opening an issue here. If you are unsure about the risk level, please report it via email.
App library
Contains mostly application and window related functions
app.ask_yn (msg [,caption]) : Asks a question. Returns true if the Yes button is pressed and false if No is pressed. The second parameter is optional. Returns
app.gettitle (): Gets the application window title. Returns
app.openfile ( [filter, default_ext, default_filename] ): Displays the open file dialog. Returns the entered filename or an empty string if the Cancel button has been pressed. All parameters are optional. Returns
app.savefile ( [filter, default_ext, suggested_filename] ): Displays the save file dialog. Returns the entered filename or an empty string if the Cancel button has been pressed. All parameters are optional. Returns
app.selectdir ( [caption]): Displays the select directory dialog. Returns the selected directory or an empty string if the Cancel button has been pressed. All parameters are optional. Returns
app.settitle ( s ): Sets the application window title
app.showalert ( s ): Displays a warning message to the user
app.showinputdialog ( prompt [, default_value, caption]): Displays a simple input dialog. Returns the entered string or the default value string if the Cancel button has been pressed.
app.showdialogx ( html [, id] ): Displays a custom Sandcat extension dialog. The id parameter is optional, can be used to assign an unique identifier to the dialog.
app.showmessage ( s ): Displays a message to the user
app.showmessagesmpl ( s ): Displays a message to the user using a simple dialog
app.showmessagex ( html ): Displays a HTML formatted message to the user.
- app.update (): Updates the screen; Ensures that the window is completely drawn.
- app.dir: stores the name of the Sandcat application directory
- app.datadir: stores the name of the Sandcat application data directory
Browser Library
Core browser methods
browser.addlibinfo ( name, version, author [,luacode] ): Adds information about a library to the About Sandcat screen. Should be called by extensions during startup
- version - the library version. If 'file:[dllfilename]' is used as version, the browser will read the version from the DLL file.
- luacode - A code to be executed when the library information icon is clicked. This parameter is optional.
browser.bookmark ( [title,url] ): Adds a page to the bookmarks. This function bookmarks the page of the active tab if no parameters are provided
browser.cleardata ( type ): Clears browsing data. The type parameter can be: cache, appcache, cookies, databases, history, settings
browser.closepage ( pagename ): Closes an extension page by its name
browser.closetab ( tabname ): Closes a tab by its name. If no param is supplied, closes the active tab
browser.closetabs ( except ): Closes all tabs. If a tab name is supplied as parameter, closes all tabs except the specified tab. E.g. browser.closetabs( will close all but active tab
browser.dostring (luacode): Runs a Lua script
browser.exit (): Closes the browser
browser.getpackfile ( pakfilename, filename): Gets the contents of a file that is inside an extension package. Returns
browser.gettaskinfo ( taskid ): Gets details about a Sandcat Task, launched using the tab:runtask() function. Returns
browser.gototab ( tabname ): Goes to the specified tab
browser.loadpagex ( luatable ): Loads an extension page in a separate page.
- name - page name
- html - page contents
- table - the name of a Lua table. Associates the HTML elements of the page with the table. See UI Manipulation for details.
- noreload - avoids reloading the page if loadpagex() is called again with the same table parameters
browser.newtab ( url [,source] ): Opens an URL in a new tab. The source parameter is optional - if specified, the page will be loaded from it. Returns the tab number. Returns
browser.newtabx ( luatable ): Creates a custom extension tab. Returns the tab number. Returns
The following keys can be provided (all of them optional):- activepage - the active tab page (ex: browser, source, log...)
- icon - an icon url
- html - page contents
- shownavbar - if false, hides the navigation bar.
- table - the name of a Lua table. Associates the HTML elements of the page with the table. See UI Manipulation for details.
- tag - an unique string to identify the tab. If newtabx() is called again and a tab with the supplied tag has been already created, Sandcat goes to the tab instead of creating a new one. Additionaly, if a loadnew key is supplied and is true, the tab page is reloaded from the HTML string supplied as the second parameter.
- title - the tab title
- toolbar - a custom toolbar source (eg: MyExtension.scx#MyToolbar.html)
browser.newwindow ( [url] ): Opens a new browser window. If a URL is provided as parameter, opens the URL
browser.removetask ( taskid ): Stops and removes a Sandcat Task from the tasks list
browser.setactivepage ( pagename ): Sets the active page by its name (eg, browser, source, log, etc).
browser.setinitmode ( modename , luacode ): Sets a Lua code to be executed when the Sandcat executable is launched with the mode:modename parameter. This allows a Sandcat extension to customize the browser user interface during startup.
browser.setsearcheng ( name, queryurl, iconurl): Sets a new search engine
browser.showreqbuilder (): Loads the Request Builder bar
browser.showurl ( url [,source] ): Loads an URL in the bottom bar. The source parameter is optional - if supplied, the page will be loaded from it
browser.stoptask ( taskid [,reason] ): Stops a Sandcat Task. The second parameter is optional, can be used to explain the reason of the stop
- browser.suspendtask ( taskid [,resume] ): Suspends a Sandcat Task. The second parameter is optional - if supplied and true, resumes the task.
Meta Tables
Allows to set the visibility of special UI parts
name | type | description |
showbottombar | boolean | Sets the visibility of the bottom bar |
showconsole | boolean | Sets the visibility of the Sandcat Console |
showheaders | boolean | Sets the visibility of the live headers |
showpagestrip | boolean | Sets the visibility of the page strip |
showsidebar | boolean | Sets the visibility of the sidebar |
Returns various details about the browser
- abouturl
- cachedir
- configdir
- commands
- downloads
- errorlog
- exefilename
- extensions
- iconfilename
- libraries
- name
- options
- proxy
- tasks
- useragent
- version
Stores temporary JSON values
Catarinka is a multi-purpose set of Lua extensions developed to be used in the Sandcat Browser. Currently, this library extends Lua with over 60 functions and some useful classes.
In Sandcat, Catarinka is available as the ctk global. For a list of available functions, see
All Catarinka classes (described in classes.*
under the Catarinka Docs are available.
Each class has a "new" method that must be used for creating the object and a "release" method for freeing it.
Console library
Sandcat Browser comes with Sandcat Console, a command console with several useful commands and extension possibilities.
console.addcmd (name,luacode,description) : Adds a custom command to the Sandcat Console
console.clear (): Clears the contents of the Sandcat Console
console.gethandler (): Gets the current command handler. Returns
console.reset (): Restores user settings, default handler and clears the console.
console.setcolor ( htmlcolor ) : Sets the background color
console.setfontcolor ( htmlcolor ) : Sets the font color
console.sethandler ( cmdname ): Redirects all future commands to the supplied cmd name
console.write ( v ) : Writes the parameter to the Sandcat Console without creating a new line
- console.writeln ( v ): Writes a new line to the Sandcat Console
Cmd Object
The cmd object allows you to get the parameters of a Sandcat Console command. The object is automatically created when Sandcat starts. Its available methods and properties are described below.
name | type | description |
---|---|---| | string | Gets the name of the last command |
cmd.params | string | Gets the parameters of the last command |
Adding Commands
Below you can find how to extend the console with custom commands. Currently, there are two methods for adding new commands.
Method 1: As part of a Sandcat Extension
New commands can be added using the Lua language via the console.addcmd() function during the Sandcat extension initialization or at any moment after the initialization. The first parameter must contain the command name and its arguments (if any), the second parameter the Lua code to be executed, and the third parameter must contain a simple description of the command. See below a few examples.
MyCommands = {}
function MyCommands:Google(query)
if query ~= '' then
function MyExtension:init()
-- Google Search command
console.addcmd('search [query]','MyCommands:Google(cmd.params)','Searches Google')
-- Simple print command
console.addcmd('say [str]','print(cmd.params)','Prints a string of text')
Method 2: As an external Command file
New commands can also be added by creating a Lua script file which must be placed in the Scripts/Commands directory. The first line of the script must be a comment containing the command name and its arguments (if any). The second line should contain a simple description of the command. See below an example of a command file.
-- say [str]
-- Prints a string of text
if cmd.params ~= '' then
Prefs library
Can be used to read or change Sandcat preferences
prefs.get ( key, novalue ): Gets the value of a browser setting. If key is not found, returns the value supplied in the second parameter; otherwise, returns nil. Returns
prefs.getdefault ( key ): Gets the default value of a browser setting. Returns
prefs.getall( ): Returns the value of all settings as JSON string. Returns
json string
prefs.getalldefault (): Returns the default value of all settings as JSON string. Returns
json string
prefs.load ( json ): Loads the browser settings from a JSON string
prefs.regdefault ( key, value): Registers the default value of a browser setting.
- (): Saves the browser settings to the disk.
prefs.set ( key, value ): Sets the value of a browser setting.
- prefs.update (): Notifies all open tabs about a setting or multiple settings update
ExtensionPack Object
Reads Sandcat Extension (.scx) pack files
- expansionpack:new (): Creates and returns a new extension pack object.
- dofile ( scriptfilename ): Loads and runs a Lua script that is inside the extension package
- fileexists ( textfilename ): Returns true if a file is present inside the extension package. Otherwise, returns false. Returns
- getfile ( textfilename ): Gets the contents of a text file that is inside the extension package. Returns
- require ( modulename ): Loads and returns the Lua module that is inside the extension package. Similar to Lua's require().
- release (): Frees the extension pack object
name | type | description |
filename | string | Gets or sets the extension pack filename (eg: MyPack.scx) |
OSR Object
Creates Off-Screen Chromium Renderer processes
- osr:new () Creates and returns a new Sandcat Chromium OSR object
local cef = osr:new()
cef.onsetsource = function(s) app.showmessage(s) end
cef.onrequestdone = function(t) app.showmessage(t.url) end
loadrequest ( method, url[,postdata] ): Sends a HTTP request and loads its response. The third parameter is optional; can be used in POST requests. This method can alternatively be called with a single table parameter (see below)
loadrequest ( luatable ): Sends a custom HTTP request and loads its response. Accepts the same keys as the tab:loadrequest() method.
loadsource ( source, url ): Renders a source code string
loadurl ( url ): Goes to the supplied url
reload ( ignorecache ): Reloads the page. If the first parameter is supplied and is true, the cache will be ignored
runjs ( jscode [,url, startline] ): Executes a JavaScript code in the loaded page. The last two parameters are optional
runjs ( luatable ): Performs a custom JavaScript call in the loaded page. Accepts the same keys as the tab:runjs() method.
sendrequest ( luatable ): Sends a custom HTTP request. See Request for details. Accepts the same keys as the tab:loadrequest() method.
showauthdialog ( [username,password] ): Displays the basic authentication dialog. The username and password parameters are optional. If supplied, they are used as default values in the dialog
stop (): Stops loading a page
- release (): Frees the OSR object
name | type | description |
captureurls | boolean | Enables or disables the capture of URLs during operation (Default: false) |
downloadfiles | boolean | Enables or disables the download of files during operation (Default: false) |
getsourceastext | boolean | Defines if the source must be returned as text |
reslist | string | Gets the list of resources (images, CSS files, etc) of the loaded page |
url | string | Gets or sets the URL of the renderer |
urllist | string | Gets a list of URLs captured during operation (requires captureurls enabled) |
onaddresschange: If set, called when the URL of the renderer changes (eg, after a 302 redirect). Receives a string containing the new URL
onbeforepopup:If set, called before creating a popup window Receives a table parameter containing the keys: url
onconsolemessage: If set, called when there is a JavaScript execution error or when console.log() is called. Receives a table parameter containing the keys: message, source and line
ondownloadstart: If set, called before starting a file download Receives a table parameter containing the keys: id, suggestedname
onloadend: If set, called when the page finishes loading Receives a table parameter containing the keys: statuscode
onloaderror: If set, called when there is a error during operations Receives a table parameter containing the keys: errorcode, errortext and failedurl
onloadstatechange: If set, called when the loading state of a page changes. Receives a table parameter containing the keys: isloading, cangoback and cangoforward
onrequestdone: If set, called after every request Receives a table as first parameter and a JSON string as second parameter. They contain request details in the form of keys
onresourcefound: If set, called when resouce files (images, CSS, etc) are loaded. Receives a string containing the resource URL
- onsetsource: If set, called when the page finishes loading Receives a string containing the page source code
Tab Object
The tab object is automatically created when Sandcat starts and is always connected to the active tab.
tab:clearheaders (): Clears the live headers
tab:clearlog (): Clears the contents of the Log tab
tab:goback (): Goes back in history
tab:goforward (): Goes forward in history
tab:gotosrcline ( int ): Goes to the source page and scrolls to a given line number
tab:gotourl ( url [, source] ): Goes to the supplied url. The source parameter is optional - if supplied, the page will be loaded from it.
tab:loadrequest ( method, url [,postdata]): Sends a HTTP request, loads its response and adds the request to the Live Headers list. The third parameter is optional; can be used in POST requests. This method can alternatively be called with a single table parameter (see below).
tab:loadrequest ( luatable ): Sends a custom HTTP request, loads its response and adds the request to the Live Headers list. The following keys can be provided:
- method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc). Default GET url - the request URL (if not supplied, the tab URL will be used as URL)
- postdata - the request data
- headers - custom request headers
- ignorecache - If supplied, and is false, may load the page from the cache. Default true.
- useauth - If supplied, and is true, uses cached authentication credentials. Default true.
- usecookies - If supplied, and is false, ignores cookies. Default true. details - a short description for the request
tab:loadsourcefile ( filename ): Loads the contents of source page from a file.
tab:loadx ( html [,tablename] ): Loads an extension page. The second parameter is optional - if supplied, associates the HTML elements of the page with a Lua table. See UI Manipulation for details.
tab:log ( s ): Prints a line to the Log page.
tab:logerror ( componenttitle, linenumber, msg ): Manually adds an error item to the Script Errors screen.
tab:logrequest ( json [,responsetext] ): Manually logs a request from a custom HTTP client class to the Live Headers. The second parameter is optional and can contain the response text. The following JSON keys can be provided:
- method (required): the request method
- url (required): the request URL. In case this is a low level request you can supply a host and a port key instead of an URL key.
- postdata: the request data
- headers: the request headers
- responseheaders: the response headers
- responsefilename: the name of a temporary file that must contain the response text or stream. The file will be automatically deleted after its contents are added to the Live Headers cache.
- status: if not supplied, the status code will be read from the response headers
- details: a short description for the request
tab:reload ( ignorecache ): Reloads the page. If the first parameter is supplied and is true, the cache will be ignored.
tab:runjs ( jscode [,url, startline]): Executes a JavaScript code in the loaded page. The last two parameters are optional.
tab:runjs ( luatable ): Performs a custom JavaScript call in the loaded page. The following keys can be provided:
- code (required): the JavaScript code
- url: the JS URL
- startln: the start line number (default is 0)
- silent: If supplied, and is true, JS execution errors are not reported. Default false.
tab:runluaonlog (msg,luacode): Sets a Lua script to be executed after a certain message is received through the JS console.log() method. This method should be used with caution.
tab:runtask ( luacode [,json, menuhtml] ): Executes a Lua code in an isolated process. The second parameter is optional and can be used to pass parameters to the task process. Returns an unique task ID. Returns
tab:search ( s ): Performs a search using the active search engine
tab:sendrequest ( method, url [,postdata] ): Sends a HTTP request and adds the request to the Live Headers list. The third parameter is optional. This method can alternatively be called with a single table parameter as explained below.
tab:sendrequest ( luatable ): Sends a custom HTTP request and adds the request to the Live Headers list. Supports the same table keys as the tab:loadrequest() method (see above).
tab:showauthdialog ( [username, password] ): Displays the basic authentication dialog. The username and password parameters are optional. If supplied, they are used as default values in the dialog.
tab:stopload (): Stops loading a page.
- tab:viewsource (): Views the page source in an external editor.
name | type | description |
capture | boolean | Enables or disables the live headers capture |
capturebrowser | boolean | Enables or disables the live headers capture just for browser requests |
downloadfiles | boolean | Enables or disables the download capability |
headersfilter | string | Gets or sets the live headers filter |
icon | string | Gets or sets the tab icon |
lastjslogmsg | string | Gets the last message from a JS console.log() call |
loadend | string | Sets a Lua script to be executed after the page finishes loading |
loadendjs | string | Sets a JavaScript to be executed after the page finishes loading |
logtext | string | Gets or sets the contents of the Log page |
name | string | Gets the unique ID of the tab |
reslist | string | Gets the list of resources (images, CSS files, etc) of the loaded page |
screenshot | string | Takes a screenshot of the loaded page and returns its temporary filename |
source | string | Gets or sets the source of the loaded page |
status | string | Gets or sets the status bar text |
title | string | Gets or sets the tab title |
url | string | Gets the URL of the loaded page |
zoomlevel | double | Gets or sets the zoom level |
Task Object
Sandcat can launch Lua scripts to perform operations in an isolated process. The tasks can be monitored and managed from the Tasks page.
Methods available from within an isolated process of a Sandcat Task:
task:browserdostring ( luacode ): Runs a Lua script in the browser process.
task:dopackfile ( pakfilename, scriptfilename): Loads and runs a Lua script that is inside an extension package
task:logrequest ( json ) Can be used to manually log a request from a custom HTTP client class to the Live Headers list. Accepts the same keys as the tab:logrequest() method.
task:getpackfile ( pakfilename, filename): Gets the contents of a file that is inside the specified extension package. Returns
task:sendrequest ( json ): Performs a custom HTTP request in the tab that launched the task and adds the request to the Live Headers list. Accepts the same keys as the tab:loadrequest() method, but here they must be provided as a JSON object.
task:setprogress ( position [, max] ): Updates the progress bar from the task progress monitor panel. If the second parameter is omitted, 100 is used as maximum value
task:setscript ( event, luacode ): Sets a Lua code to be executed during specific task progress monitor panel events (eg: onclick, ondblclick, onstop)
task:showmessage ( s ): Displays a message to the user
- task:stop ( reason ): Manually stops the task. Sandcat will automatically call this method at the end of the task execution (if the method has not been called before).
name | type | description |
caption | string | Gets or sets the task caption |
id | string | Gets the unique ID of the task |
pid | string | Gets the process ID of the task |
status | string | Gets or sets the task status text |
Additional Functions
In addition to the functions above, all functions above and all functions from the Catarinka library are also available from within a Sandcat Task.
- getappdir (): Returns the Sandcat installation directory. Returns
- parambool ( key, defaultvalue ): Returns the value of a parameter key as a boolean value. If the supplied key is not found and a default value has been supplied, returns the default value. Returns
- paramint ( key, defaultvalue ): Returns the value of a parameter key as an integer value. If the supplied key is not found and a default value has been supplied, returns the default value. Returns
- paramstr ( key, defaultvalue ): Returns the value of a parameter key as a string. If the supplied key is not found and a default value has been supplied, returns the default value. Returns
- print ( v ): Prints a line to the task log
- printfailure ( v ): Prints a line to the task log and paints the task progress monitor panel in red color
- printfatalerror ( v ): Prints a line to the task log and paints the task progress monitor panel in yellow color
- printsuccess ( v ): Prints a line to the task log and paints the task progress monitor panel in green color
Sandcat UI Manipulation
Method 1: Using a Lua or TIScript script tag
Sandcat can associate the HTML elements of a Sandcat extension user interface with a Lua table. In order to enable this, just add a SandcatUIX
meta tag to the extension UI code, as exemplified below.
<meta name="SandcatUIX" content="MyExtension">
<script type="text/lua">
function MyExtension:changeit()
self.plaintext1.value = 'New text!'
<plaintext id="plaintext1"></plaintext>
<button onclick="MyExtension:changeit()">Demo</button>
<button onclick="MyExtension.plaintext1.value = 'Another value'">Demo 2</button>
As seen above, elements that have an id attribute can be manipulated via [tablename].[yourelementid], which returns a Sandcat UI element object.
Alternatively, you can use a TIScript script tag:
<script type="text/tiscript">
$(#btndemo).onControlEvent = function(evt) {
if (evt.type == Event.BUTTON_CLICK ) {
$("#myplaintext").value = "New text!";
<plaintext id="myplaintext"></plaintext>
<button #btndemo>Demo</button>
Method 2: Using Lua
You can associate the HTML elements of a Sandcat extension user interface with a Lua table by supplying a table name when calling the browser.loadpagex() method, as exemplified below.
<plaintext id="myplaintext"></plaintext>
<button onclick="MyExtension:changeit()">Demo</button>
MyExtension = extensionpack:new()
MyExtension.filename = 'Demo.scx'
function MyExtension:show()
local html = self:getfile('interface.html')
browser.loadpagex({name='My Extension',html=html,table='MyExtension'})
function MyExtension:changeit()
self.myplaintext.value = 'New text!'
Method 3: Using TIScript and the UI zone's eval() method
<plaintext id="myplaintext"></plaintext>
<button onclick="MyExtension:changeit()">Demo</button>
MyExtension = extensionpack:new()
MyExtension.filename = 'Demo.scx' = browser.pagex
function MyExtension:show()
local html = self:getfile('interface.html')
browser.loadpagex({name='My Extension',html=html,table='MyExtension'})
function MyExtension:changeit()'$("#myplaintext").value = "New text!"')
UI Zone Object
Used to extend the Sandcat user interface
Available UI Zones
name | description |
browser.navbar | Navigation bar |
browser.pagebar | Page tab strip |
browser.statbar | Status bar |
browser.tabbar | Tab bar |
tab.engine | Main engine of the active tab |
tab.toolbar | Custom tab toolbar |
reqbuilder.toolbar | Request Builder toolbar |
dlg.prefs | Preferences dialog |
dlg.about | About Sandcat dialog |
UI Zone Methods
addhtml ( target, html ): Extends the UI zone with custom HTML elements. This method should be called by extensions during startup
- target: must be a CSS selector string
- html: the HTML string you want to add
addhtmlfile ( target, html): Extends the UI zone with custom HTML elements from a file. This method should be called by extensions during startup
- target: must be a CSS selector string
- htmlfilename: the name of the HTML file you want to add
addtiscript ( tiscode ): Extends the UI zone with custom TIScript. This method should be called by extensions during startup
eval ( tiscode ): Evaluates a TIScript code. Returns
inserthtml ( index, target, html ): Extends the UI zone with custom HTML elements. This method should be called by extensions during startup
- index: insertion position (zero-based).
- target: must be a CSS selector string
- html: the HTML string you want to insert
inserthtmlfile ( index, target, htmlfilename): Extends the UI zone with custom HTML from a file. This method should be called by extensions during startup
- loadx ( html [, tablename] ): Loads the UI zone interface from a string. The second parameter is optional. If supplied, associates the HTML elements of the page with a Lua table. See UI Manipulation for details.
UI Element Object
Used to manipulate the Sandcat user interface
- getattrib ( s ): Gets the value of an attribute. Returns
- setattrib ( s, v ): Sets the value of an attribute
- getstyle ( s ): Gets the value of a style attribute. Returns
- setstyle ( s , v ): Sets the value of a style attribute
name | type | description |
value | variant | Gets or sets the value of the element |
TIScript is the scripting engine used by Sandcat for some of its user interface operations. TIScript uses JavaScript as a base with some Python features added: classes and namespaces, properties, decorators, etc.
More details can be found at:
Custom TIScript functions available in Sandcat
Sandcat TIS Object:
- Sandcat.Debug ( s ): Outputs a debug string
- Sandcat.GoToURL ( url [, newtab] ): Goes to the supplied URL. The second parameter is optional. If supplied and is true, opens the URL in a new tab
- Sandcat.PrefsSet ( key, value ): Sets the value of a browser setting
- Sandcat.ShowMessage ( s ): Shows a message to the user
- Sandcat.RunLua ( luacode ): Runs a Lua script
- Sandcat.Write ( s ): Writes the parameter to the Sandcat Console without creating a new line.
- Sandcat.WriteLn ( s ): Writes a new line to the Sandcat Console
- Sandcat.WriteValue ( key , value ): Writes a value that can be later read using the browser.jsvalues Lua table