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Docs: Syhunt Hybrid: Lua API

The information in this document applies to version 6.9.12 of Syhunt Hybrid.

Table of Contents

Launch a Dynamic Scan
Launch a Source Code Scan
Get the results of a scan
Generate a scan report or export
Get session details
Email a report
Update Syhunt preferences
Additional API functions and objects


Syhunt Hybrid Platinum comes with a simple, easy-to-use Lua API that allows to launch dynamic and source code scans, get status, report and log of a launched scan session, and more.

Loading the Syhunt library

Before using Syhunt's Lua API, you must load the Syhunt library:

-- From GUI app
require "SyMini"
-- From Console app
require "SyMini.Console"

Launch a Dynamic Scan

local res = symini.scantask_launch({
  sessionname = "Test",
  starturl = "",
  huntmethod = "appscan",
  reporttemplate = "Complete"
if res.result == true then

Keys explained:

Return table keys:

Launch a Source Code Scan

-- Scan a local directory
local res = symini.scantask_launch({
  sessionname = "Test",
  sourcetarget = "P:\\Private\\MyWebApp\\",
  huntmethod = "normal",
  reporttemplate = "Complete"

-- Scan a project URL
local res = symini.scantask_launch({
  sessionname = "Test",
  sourcetarget = "",
  sourcebranch = "master",
  huntmethod = "normal",
  reporttemplate = "Complete"

if res.result == true then

Keys explained:

Return table keys:

Get Results (Status, report or log)

Get Status

local res = symini.scantask_getresults({
  sessionname = "Test",
  resulttype = "status"

Keys explained:

Return table keys:

Get Report

local res = symini.scantask_getresults({
  sessionname = "Test",
  resulttype = "report_xml"

-- Alternatively you can obtain the JSON report
local res = symini.scantask_getresults({
  sessionname = "Test",
  resulttype = "report_json"

Get Log

local res = symini.scantask_getresults({
  sessionname = "Test",
  resulttype = "session_log"

The return will contain the scan log in text format.

Generate a scan report or export

local res = symini.genreport({
    sessionname = 'mysessionname',
    outfilename = 'myreport.pdf',
    template = 'Standard'

Keys explained:

Return table keys:

Get session details

local res = symini.getsessiondetails('mysessionname')

Return table keys:

Email a report

local res = symini.emailreport({
    tracker = 'myemailtrackername',
    filename = 'myreport.pdf',
    subject = 'My Test Report'

Keys explained:

Return table keys:

Update Syhunt preferences

A list of available preference IDs is available here.

-- Update a site preference
local res = symini.prefs_set('enabled', true, '')
-- Update a global preference
local res = symini.prefs_set('', '')
if (res.result == true) then
  print('Preference updated.')

Return table keys:

Additional API functions

The scantools repository includes additional Syhunt API usage examples using objects.

For additional product documentation, visit

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Page last modified on February 21, 2022, at 03:51 PM