Installation Guide for macOS

The information in this document applies to version 7.0 of Syhunt Hybrid.
The information in this section applies to: macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey.

Syhunt Hybrid 7.0 and Syhunt Community 7.0 runs on MacOS despite not being officially supported. This is the Carbon version (Wine-Powered installation of Syhunt), compatible with 64-bit macOS (Intel-based).

  1. You must read and agree with the Syhunt EULA before continuing and executing any command-line in your operating system.
  2. Download Java for macOS (jre-[version]-macosx-x64.dmg) and install it (if you haven't done so already)
  3. If you have not done so yet, follow our quick guide to install Wine64 on macOS
  4. Install wget using the command:
    brew install wget
  5. Follow these simple steps to install Syhunt.
    1. After downloading the jar file, ctrl-click its icon and select Open to launch it.
    2. You should read carefully the EULA presented to you on installation before accepting it.
    3. It's an easy next-next-finish installation process. When you click Finish, Syhunt CLI tools are ready for use.
  6. Follow these steps to enable the web user interface of Syhunt.

Note: if you upgrade your macOS from Big Sur to Monterey, and see the error "invalid active developer path” when attempting to scan a GIT repository, run the command xcode-select --install to fix this error related to the git command.
