
Syhunt scans can be performed using a GUI (graphical user interface), a CLI (command-line interface) application or a web interface. All of them support black, white and gray box testing and will perform the same checks using the same engine/DB.

  • Syhunt Suite GUI (SySuite.exe) - the classic Syhunt Suite interface. This UI also can open sessions generated by the other Syhunt applications that are listed below.
  • Session Launcher (Seslaunch.exe) - alternative Syhunt Suite interface, supports multi-threaded scan sessions. Included with the latest release of Syhunt Suite
  • SyMiniCS (SyMiniCS.exe) - Console version of Syhunt Hybrid, supports multi-threaded host scans. Included with the latest release of Syhunt Suite
  • SySuite4W (SySuite4W.exe) - Beta web interface for Syhunt Suite. Available separately
Page last modified on December 04, 2013, at 01:27 AM